Belgium to Japan by foot
Cripping the stage: from crip theory to crip practice
Professionalising the (teaching) artist through process drama performances
Studio Stadswaag
Perspectives on time in the music by Stockhausen: the experience of a performer
Pondering/Theremin. Nostalgia and the art of traces
On Tables
The Desert of The Real
‘C’est aussi beau que du Fauré.’ August De Boeck’s orchestral songs rediscovered
Intersecting repertoire
Conceptual, Performative, Pedagogical: How to Guide Individuals through Courses of Instructed Simple Action Here and Now as Sites for Framed Chance Interaction between Self and World towards a Truly Personal Body of Work of Art and Life
Conditions for Raw Materials
Tragedy and Levity: A Reconstructive Approach
Creating the Artistic Identity
Play(s) of Féminitude. The role of female artists in Belgian theatre history 1830-1948
Pas(s) Time
Graphic Design of Scheld’apen
When the artist swallows his image
Moving towards Resilience: Joint creation through music and movement for local, refugee and immigrant children
Cognitive Making. The recreation of procedures in the field of jewellery and gemstone cutting
A Database of Schemata As a Starting Point For Historically Informed Improvisation and Composition
Temporary Sonic Architecture
The European Quartet of Keith Jarrett. The Journey Home
Friction & Tension: Weaving With Choreography’s Troubles