It is with great regret that we have to conclude that with the rising infection rate and the more restricted covid-19 measures the continuation of ARTICULATE (part 1) at the Academy and ARTICULATE (part 2) at the Conservatoire cannot take place.
by Lies Colman, Gaea Schoeters, Annelies Van Parys and Els Mondelaers
As part of their research into co-creation strategies and methodologies for interdisciplinary contemporary music performances, Gaea Schoeters, Lies Colman, Annelies Van Parijs and Els Mondelaers developed the project 'Holle Haven', an adaptation of the poem of the same name by Paul van Ostaijen. The focus of this experiment was the interaction between the different disciplines and artists, where makers also acted as performers, and performers were also makers.
During their lecture performance, the artists will explain the preparatory and semi-improvisational rehearsal process and the tested co-creation protocols, highlighting specific examples, and will bring the final performance.
(Image: Concertgebouw Brugge, photo: Trui Hanouille)
>> This event is part of the program of ARTICULATE | BAUHAUS 1 0 1.