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Soup Session: Dries Segers and Sanne Vaassen

Soup Session by Dries Segers and Sanne Vaassen
invited by research group Thinking Tools

29 November, 12:30-14:00
at the Research Room, Academy

Thinking Tools presents a talk between Dries Segers and Sanne Vaassen. Together they will have a conversation about their common grouds and their shared interest in ephemeral matters, strategies for image production, ecological topics and locality. The talk is part of Dries Segers’ research project Ask your hands to know the things they hold, a study on generative materialization of photographic images through non-toxic materials. The aim of the project is to create an artistically open process driven by the vibrant matter itself. His research focuses on the local, the attachment to the soil, the connection to traditions, to photographic history, to seasonal effects, to the earth itself.

Dries Segers
Dries Segers is a visual artist, photographer, plant bender, publisher and researcher. Segers' work is centered around photographic materialization with a focus on the non-human, uncontrollable processes and invisibles. He collaborates closely with (biotic and abiotic) matters as the sun, wind, plant, tree, fungus, light, rain or fire. This results in plant based and mutable inks, self-build camera's, extreme close-up and camera-less photography. His work is shown in various group and solo shows as Kunst Haus Wien (Vienna, AT), Vitrine Gallery (Basel, CH), A Tale of A Tub (Rotterdam, NL), The Weekend Room (Seoul, SK), De Brakke Grond (Amsterdam, NL), Musee Botanique (Brussels, B), Neue Galerie (Ausberg, D), Warte für Kunst (Kassel, D), 019 (Ghent, B), Tique art space (Antwerp, B), De Warande (Turnhout, B) and Fotomuseum (Antwerp, B).

'No Road To Hotel Bellevue', 2020, Dries Segers, installation DMW Gallery / copyright of the artist

Sanne Vaassen
Sanne Vaassen is a visual artist, storyteller and researcher. A central theme in Sanne Vaassen's objects, videos, performances and installations are processes of change and time. She actives and interacts with different matters as plant leaves, flowers, hand gestures, languages, cartographies and national flags. Her work deals with themes as ecology, geography, history and locality. Her work was shown in various group and solo shows as Boijmans van Beuningen (Rotterdam, NL), SCHUNCK, (Heerlen, NL), SALTS (Basel, CH) The White House Gallery (Lovenjoel, BE). Unit 1 Gallery (London, UK), Bonnefantemuseum (Maastricht, NL) and she was resident at the Jan Van Eyck Academie in 2014-2015.

'Fractals', 2018, Sanne Vaassen, Kasteel Wijlre estate / copyright Peter Cox