Studium Generale | McKenzie Wark (i.s.m. DeSingel) | AP School Of Arts Overslaan en naar de inhoud gaan
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Studium Generale | McKenzie Wark (i.s.m. DeSingel)

Het jaarthema van Studium Generale voor academiejaar 24-25 is 'verborgen weefsels'

Op zaterdag 25 januari 2025 verwelkomen we:

  • Spreker: McKenzie Wark (i.s.m. DeSingel)
  • Titel lezing: Raving

Australian writer and theorist McKenzie Wark has published many groundbreaking works. In her book Raving (2023), Wark makes a particularly incisive and poetic case for raves as an aesthetic and political practice. Can a rave temporarily represent an alternative future when the world is in danger of collapsing? During this talk, Wark takes us to New York's thriving underground queer and trans rave scene, evoking a trans practice of raves as a timely aesthetic for dancing in the ruins of this collapsing capital.

Deze lezing gaat door in het Engels

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