“From my small native town in the west of France, near the ocean, I stated with conviction as a child, accompanied by adult laughter: ‘I’m goin g to live with the Indians!’ At the age of 15, my encounter with dance has fulfilled this deep dream, this new language has expressed my love of words, and has claimed the search for freedom amongst packs brought together by this same unquenchable thirst for new truths”. Bérengère did her training at CNDC (national centre for contemporary dance) in Angers, since then her path was guided by artists such Raimund Hogue, Joelle Bouvier, Carolyn Carlson, and the KKI, from the theatre of Isabella Soupart, to the contemporary music with Silbersee, from the completion of animation feature films and the comedy world of Robyn Orlin, from collaboration with the video with Kurt d'Haeseleer or the cinema with Géraldine Doignon and Philippe Grandrieu. Her collaboration with Lisi Estaras in Primero in Gent/Belgium led her to incredible and precious encounters such with Cacao Bleu, Kabinet K, Platform K, one of the most remarkable with Alain Platel.
Function: Assistant Alain Platel