'WORKS OF ART & COPIES' by Laurence Petrone
'Know How To Now Its That You Are Learning The Segments That Aren't Sentences At All and Converse With Each Other' by Andrea di Serego Alighieri
'CLU++ER - Creativity + Collaboration in Fashion Education' by Andrea Cammarosano
'Art for the People, Art by the People' by Mahmoud Saleh Mohammadi
'TRAUM (dream) + RAUM (space) = TRAUMA' by Giulia Cauti
‘A table under a tree’ by Sine Van Menxel
Art & Research at the Academy - annual report 2024
Art & Research at the Academy - annual report 2023
'FRAMED', by Janna Beck & Annelise Cerchedean
'Mythical Truths' - Yorgos Maraziotis